Computational Intelligence Society


Welcome to the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Student Branch Chapter at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. We are a dynamic group of aspiring professionals dedicated to promoting technological development and fostering a collaborative environment for the advancement of computational intelligence. As the first CIS chapter in Sri Lanka, we take pride in leading the way and setting a high standard for excellence. Building upon the foundation laid by our predecessors, we strive to foster a thriving community that encourages intellectual growth and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among students, researchers, and industry professionals. Our mission is to facilitate the development of skills and expertise in computational intelligence, empowering our members to tackle complex real-world challenges and make a positive impact on society. By organizing engaging events, educational programs, and industry collaborations, we provide a platform for individuals to explore their passion for computational intelligence and transform their ideas into reality.

Meet the Executive Committee

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Sankavi Mohan
